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Family Concept Store

Béké Bobo

Béké Bobo

Béké Bobo (Kissy-Booboo) was launched in 2006 by Canadian engineer and mum Maggy-Nadyne Lamarche. Looking for natural ways to relieve her daughter Camille’s pain following an operation, Maggy-Nadyne started experimenting with a blend of natural cereals that she inserted into fabric cut into the shape of a bear. The result is now Béké Bobo’s signature product: their therapeutic bears. Handmade in Canada, Béké Bobo’s therapeutic bears soothe and comfort little ones in distress or pain. Béké Bobo is recognised by Health Canada and holds a medical device establishment licence. The company regularly works with charities and causes that they are passionate about; for example, 100% of proceeds from the sale of its special edition Héma-Québec therapeutic bear go towards supporting the Héma-Québec Public Mothers’ Milk Bank. Ultra-calming and an excellent alternative to traditional pain relief options, discover more from Béké Bobo online.

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